Showing 1–12 of 52 results


Addax nasomaculatus is a critically endangered antelope native to the Sahara Desert. It is one of the most desert-adapted African antelopes, with a white coat that helps it to reflect heat and long spiral horns that help it to defend itself from predators. Addax have broad hooves that are adapted for traveling on sand and a highly reflective coat that extracts its water needs from plants. They are nocturnal, resting during the day and feeding at night and early morning when the food has absorbed all the moisture. Their diet mostly consists of grasses and leaves of shrubs and other plants found in the desert. Addax help to control the populations of grasses and other plants in the Sahara Desert ecosystem, and are a food source for predators such as lions and cheetahs. Addax are also a popular tourist attraction, and their presence helps to support local economies. Once your payment is complete, you will be able download the art work on you account in it’s available formats. It’s that simple!


Freshwater fish (Pterophyllum scalare) native to South America and are one of the most commonly kept aquarium fish. Angelfish come in a variety of colors, including solid silver, colored stripes, and black-and-silver marble. They can live for up to 12 years in captivity and are omnivorous, feeding on a variety of aquatic invertebrates and small crustaceans. They help to keep these populations in check, which prevents them from overgrowing and harming the ecosystem. Angelfish are also a food source for other fish, such as piranhas and larger predators. This helps to keep the populations of these predators in check, which helps to protect other fish in the ecosystem. Once your payment is complete, you will be able download the art work on you account in it's available formats. It's that simple!

B-Bass Fish

A common name shared by different species of fish, both freshwater and marine. They are carnivorous and feed on a variety of prey, including fish, crustaceans, mollusks, and other invertebrates. Some bass are active swimmers, while others are more sedentary. The largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) is an invasive species in South Africa. It was introduced through game fishing and is now a major threat to native fish populations. This green olive-bodied fish are predators with no natural predators in South Africa, and they quickly outcompete native fish for food and habitat. As a result, many native fish species are now in danger of extinction. Once your payment is complete, you will be able download the art work on you account in it’s available formats. It’s that simple!


Syncerus caffer caffer, the cape buffalo is the largest of the three species of buffalo that exist and are native to Africa and Asia. The forest buffalo is the smallest. African buffalo are hardy animals, able to live and flourish in many habitats from semi-arid bushland to coastal savannas to lowland rainforests as long as they’re close to a water source. They are often seen wallowing in mud, which helps them to get rid of pests and parasites. They also attract the oxpeckers who feed on the parasites. Buffalo calls are like cows but are usually lower pitched. The calls serve as warning signs or signals to move, aggression, mother-to-calf and calf distress. Buffalo help to control the populations of grasses and they are a food source for predators such as lions and hyenas. However, they are aggressive animals and have caused lots of death and permanent injuries to humans. Once your payment is complete, you will be able download the art work on you account in it’s available formats. It’s that simple!


Acinonyx jubatus is the fastest land animal on Earth, capable of running at speeds of up to 120 Kilometers per hour. Cheetahs are covered in small black spots on a background of pale yellow, with a white underbelly. Their faces are distinguished by prominent black lines that curve from the inner corner of each eye to the outer corners of the mouth. They eat a variety of small animals, including birds, hares, and small antelope playing an important role in the ecosystem by keeping these populations in check. Cheetahs have a gestation period of three months, and the female gives birth to two to eight cubs. Cheetahs are classified as endangered due to population decline. The main threats to cheetahs are habitat loss, poaching, and conflict with humans as they are sometimes killed by farmers who believe they are a threat to their livestock. Once your payment is complete, you will be able download the art work on you account in it’s available formats. It’s that simple!


Large reptiles found across Asia, Africa, Australia, and the American tropics. The Nile crocodile (Crocodiles niloticus) is the largest of the reptile species. Crocodiles are known to spend most of their time in water, but they can also move on land. They have powerful jaws with conical teeth, and they share a unique body form that allows the eyes, ears, and nostrils to be above the water surface while most of the animal is hidden below. The tail is long and massive, and the skin is thick and plated. Crocodiles are mostly nocturnal animals and feed on a variety of prey, including insects, fish, large mammals, and birds. Crocodiles have caused a lot of death to people and livestock living close to their environment, but they are also an important part of the ecosystem. Once your payment is complete, you will be able download the art work on you account in it’s available formats. It’s that simple!


The Atlas deer (Cervus elaphus barbarus) is a subspecies of the red deer that is native to North Africa. It is the only deer known to be native to this region. Atlas deer are smaller than the typical red deer and have a dark brown body with white spots on their flanks and back. They are found in humid forested areas of Africa and prefer to eat young grasses, buds, herbs, and aquatic plants. Atlas deer were once at risk of extinction due to uncontrolled hunting, but populations have since rebounded thanks to conservation efforts. Atlas deer play an important role in the ecosystem by helping to control populations of plants and animals. Once your payment is complete, you will be able download the art work on you account in it’s available formats. It’s that simple!


Aquatic mammals that are found in both fresh and marine environments. There are over 36 extant species of dolphins, and the most abundant species is the common dolphin (Delphinus delphis). Dolphins are known for their grace, intelligence, playfulness, and friendliness to humans. They are social animals that live in groups called pods. Dolphins use echolocation to navigate and find food. They are predators and feed on a variety of fish, squid, and other marine animals. Dolphins are an important part of the marine ecosystem and play a role in controlling populations of prey animals. Once your payment is complete, you will be able download the art work on you account in it’s available formats. It’s that simple!


Elongated, snake-like fish that are found in both freshwater and saltwater. There are over 800 species of eels, and they range in color from gray or black in deep-sea species to colorful and patterned in tropical reef species. Eels are an important part of the marine ecosystem and play a role in controlling populations of prey animals. Freshwater eels are greatly valued as food and have a major economic importance. Once your payment is complete, you will be able download the art work on you account in it’s available formats. It’s that simple!


Loxodonta africana is the largest land mammal in the world. It is easily distinguished by its large ears and trunk. Three living species are currently recognised: the African bush elephant, the African forest elephant, and the Asian elephant. African bush elephants are found in savannas and woodlands throughout Africa. They are herbivores and eat a variety of plants, including grasses, leaves, and fruit. African bush elephants are social animals and live in herds of up to 100 individuals. The herd is led by an older female elephant, known as the matriarch. Elephants help to disperse seeds and fertilize the soil. African bush elephants are listed as endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species. The main threats to African bush elephants are habitat loss, poaching, and conflict with humans. Once your payment is complete, you will be able download the art work on you account in it’s available formats. It’s that simple!


The Cape fox (Vulpes chama) is a small, nocturnal fox native to southern Africa. It is the only species of fox in the genus Vulpes that exists in Africa south of the equator. Cape foxes are characterized by big ears and slender bodies. They are typically solitary animals, but they will pair up to mate. Cape foxes are omnivores and eat a variety of foods, including insects, small mammals, birds, and fruit. They are an important part of the ecosystem and help to control populations of pests and other small animals. Cape foxes are currently classified as Least Concern by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species. However, they are threatened by diseases such as canine distemper and rabies, and they are also sometimes killed in traps intended for other animals. Once your payment is complete, you will be able download the art work on you account in it’s available formats. It’s that simple!

F-Fur Seal

Semiaquatic mammals that need both aquatic and terrestrial habitats for their survival. There are nine species of fur seals, and they can be distinguished from sea lions by their thick fur, smaller body structure, and sexual dimorphism. During the summer, fur seals gather in rocky environments to breed and give birth. They are gregarious and have very distinctive vocals. They are an important part of the marine ecosystem. They are apex predators, meaning they are at the top of the food chain. This means that they help to control the populations of other marine animals, such as fish and squid. Fur seals are also a food source for other predators, such as sharks and orcas. Once your payment is complete, you will be able download the art work on you account in it’s available formats. It’s that simple!